
By: Phil Maggitti
Published: 2000
Reviewed: 12/31/2012

"Pugs, A Complete Pet Owner's Manual" is a booklet I received along with another Pug book for Christmas 2011. It provides a quick overview of owning and training a pug. I read most of it at the time but set the book aside during a section describing inherited diseases. You start reading that kind of information and soon you think your puppy is doomed. This short volume did include one very useful piece of information. Flipping through the pages I ran across an illustration of a pug puppy gnawing on an electrical cord. This tipped us off to what would be one of our most difficult problems in the early days of puppy ownership. As an electrical engineer who works at home, and who has what some would call hoarder tendencies, my house is full of cables. Power, network, audio, you name it. And little Mia was eager to taste each and every one. To this day I have pieces of wood and other household debris lying about the floor to wall off any wires. The other thing I noticed is that I have a very beautiful pug. The dogs in the book all had this triangle look between the nose and eyes. So now when I say, "who is the most beautiful pug in the world?", I know I am holding her. The book is a quick read, but has less information than the Complete Idiots book I reviewed a few days ago.