Better Than Sex

Better Than Sex
By: Hunter S Thompson
Published: 1994
Reviewed: 3/30/2002

Better Than Sex: Confessions of a Political Junkie is a collection of writings, opinions, and letters from the 1992 Presidential campaign. Hunter officially endorsed Clinton, although like many Americans, it was more of an opposition to George Bush (Sr) than any love of the man from Arkansas. During campaigns, pundits describe people in black and white terms. Thompson better captures the dichotomy real citizens experience with candidates, discussing methods to get Clinton elected while at the same time referring to him as a whore-hopper. The book is littered with original and mark-up copies of faxes exchanged with Ed Turner (VP at CNN), James Carville (Clinton campaign director), and George Stephanopoulos. If nothing else, the messages make you think of these individuals as actual people, instead of members of an elite ruling class. In summary I would have to describe the book as a tale of how people in the political business work, rather than the details of a particular campaign.