A Man In Full

A Man In Full
By: Tom Wolfe
Published: 1998
Reviewed: 5/10/2002

With all the political books I've been reading I decided to take a fiction break and check out the latest Novel from Tom Wolfe. While it came out over 3 years ago, I still remember seeing him on MacNeil/Lehrer during his book tour. Everyone was asking him whether Atlanta (the setting of the book) was "really like that". The story is about a Southern (Cracker) real estate developer in who is in debt over his head. At the same time an alleged date rape incident threatens to explode racial tensions within Atlanta. The book contrasts members of what I'll call the New South and the Old South and the extent to which blacks and whites do get along and pretend to get along. Having grown up in Idaho I can't say I recognized personalities in "A Man in Full" the same way I did for the political opportunists in "Bonfire of the Vanities". But I enjoyed the story and found myself anxious to find out how the protagonist Charlie Croker resolved his situation. I should also note that the philosophy of stoicism plays a roll in the development of the story.