Stupid White Men

Stupid White Men
By: Michael Moore
Published: 2001
Reviewed: 5/15/2002

I am aware of some Michael Moore projects (e.g. the movie Roger & Me about GM), but I didn't pick up with book because of them. I picked it up because I knew the publisher delayed the release date because of 9/11. The book is critical of George Bush and the establishment in late 2001 was afraid they would be jailed or shot for criticizing a man who many considered a borderline idiot just few months earlier. The book covers a wide variety of topics, opening with election fraud in Florida. The people who say Gore should be president because more people in the US voted for him are idiots who slept through civics class. But the truth is that more people in the state of Florida voted for Gore. And that includes overseas military ballots cast AFTER election day, and the disregards the systematic disenfranchisement of black voters in Florida courtesy of Jeb Bush and his friends at Database Technologies. This book documents the voter fraud in detail but went to print before the press released their final recount results. Stupid White Men tends to preach to the converted. If you aren't open to certain concepts, he doesn't do a lot to bring you around. The book rang about 80% true with me, at least the me of 2002. Other topics include education, food safety, incarceration rates for blacks verse whites, and failures of the democratic party. The last presents some interesting facts related to how the Clinton/Bush administration managed to implement Republican policies while claiming the opposite in their rhetoric. Lastly Moore discusses the issue of Nader voters defecting to Gore at the last minute. One fact I learned but should have known, both Cheney and Rumsfeld were legal advisors for Nixon!