Crashing the Party

Crashing the Party
By: Ralph Nader
Published: 2002
Reviewed: 6/23/2002

Crashing the Party is an autobiographical documentary of the Nader-LaDuke 2000 Presidential bid. The book centers on two areas: The progressive Green Party platform and the difficulty of getting press coverage as a third party candidate. With Clinton/Gore failing to act on the Kyoto Protocol, not raising auto emissions standards, supporting destructive mining in Appalachia, and signing NAFTA, progressive voters had to look elsewhere than the Democratic Party. Nader originally got my attention when I heard him say the only difference between the Democratic and Republican parties is how fast they drop to their knees for corporate interests. No moment so clearly illustrated the convergence of the two parties as the Presidential Debates where both candidates said the same thing and agreed with each other. The book discusses the difficulties Nader had in trying to view (not even attend) the Presidential debates at the University of Massachusetts and Washington University. The Committee on Presidential Debates sent police officers to turn him away or drag him off in cuffs [quite unconstitutionally]. Threatening US citizens with arrest for their political views proves to me that Al Gore is a worthless bastard just like Bush. Nader ran because the Democratic party was (and is) unresponsive to progressive needs. The Party, rather than adopting some progressive planks, began an onslaught saying a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. The whole purpose of third parties is to shake up entrenched power. If the Democrats aren't going to change because of the "green" vote, no one should vote for them. I remember so many people saying Gore was the lesser of two evils. Reminds me of my friend Bruce who says that because Hitler killed 6 million while Stalin killed 20 million, that right wing totalitarian governments are better than left wing ones. Nonsense, the correct choice is none of the above. The book closes with some examples of the Clinton/Gore administration ignoring the environment, except when the Greens were fielding a candidate. Bottom line, if the Greens weren't running candidates, the Democrats wouldn't do a damn thing for the environment. Contrary to all the rhetoric about Nader stealing Gore votes, in 2000 I was wavering between Nader and Bush. Sadly, I made the WRONG choice.