Blinded by the Right

Blinded by the Right
By: David Brock
Published: 2002
Reviewed: 10/14/2002

In the 80's and early 90's David Brock was a right wing "journalist" of the ilk you see on Fox News or MSNBC these days. Most of his work was for a magazine called the American Spectator, but he is most famous for a book called "The Real Anita Hill". That book sought to discredit Hill personally to help discredit her testimony against Justice Clarence Thomas. Brock eventually had a falling out with the Right for two reasons. First, he found himself purporting viewpoints he longer believed in and writing "facts" he knew not to be true. Second he was Gay which didn't sit well with the Nazi Christian spirit of the conservative movement. Brock describes a world that revolved around destroying Bill Clinton. A conservative movement that had no legislative agenda, just a destructive one. And a culture were it didn't matter who you were, or your methods, as long as you were attacking the other side. Blinded by the Right jumps back and forth in time, which I found a little annoying. While it probably makes sense in Brock's mind, I found it hard to place things in chronological context. I came away from the book with several points. First, there really was a "right-wing conspiracy" against the Clintons. A billionaire named Richard Scaife went so far as to set up a fund specifically to attack the President's personal life. Second, Kenneth Starr was about as "independent" as Jerry Falwell. Third, don't trust anyone associated with the Federalist Society (Justices Thomas and Scalia, Judge Bork, Kenneth Star, the deceased Barbara Olson, to name a few). Finally, David was surprised when writing for more legitimate news organizations that people actually wanted to check his facts. Something that never happened at the Spectator.