Invisible Monsters

Invisible Monsters
By: Chuck Palahniuk
Published: 1999
Reviewed: 11/9/2002

I knew Chuck Palahniuk from his most excellent book Fight Club, and I decided to check out his subsequent work. Invisible Monsters starts out OK, with a super-model wedding reception ending in rifle fire and flames. Then it jumps back and forth and all over the place to tell the story of a former model disfigured by a bullet wound. The near-random chronology reveals important details in a controlled manner and makes the events seem a little more bizarre than they really are. In the end I don't think it makes the book any better than a linear progression. The problem with Invisible Monsters is that there are simply too many men with sex-change operations randomly meeting with each other. Too many people who knew each other in the past meeting again in a new context. If they had belonged to some group tying them together, that would have given some pretext but as it stands the storyline borders on being a farce. Now if you want to learn various gory details about Male-to-Female sex change operations, or cosmetic surgery in general, the book does offer that. Sadly this is going to be my first book I flat out don't recommend.