Body of Secrets

Body of Secrets
By: James Bamford
Published: 2001
Reviewed: 2/17/2002

I was very excited to hear James Bamford had published another book. After his 1982 The Puzzle Palace, which outlined the history, tasks, and structure of the National Security Agency, I expected the US Government to kill him.

I divide Body of Secrets into two main parts. The first describes how the NSA was involved in events from the end of WWII through Vietnam. I found this the most gripping non-fiction I have ever read. The second part is limited to leadership and structure since Vietnam, which struck me as a letdown after the first. However the juicy parts make up a good two-thirds of the book.

Did you know Eisenhower had eight nuclear-capable bombers fly into Russia territory to test the ability of the Soviets to detect an over-the-pole nuclear attack? They didn't detect the planes, so we didn't all die in Nuclear Holocaust. Eisenhower also ordered staff members to lie to Congress about his direct involvement in detailed planning of U-2 overflights. And you thought Clinton broke the law.

What still upsets me to this very day, is learning about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli forces in 1967. During the 6 Day War Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. As part of their efforts, they also knowingly attacked the surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, patrolling off the port city of El Arish. Israeli planes and patrol boats attempted to sink the Liberty and in the process killed 34 and wounded 171 Navy and NSA personnel. I've since learned the incident was publicized, but Bamford does provide new proof that Israel knew the Liberty was an American Ship. You can hear from survivors at

Bamford also talks about the 1962 Operation Northwoods which was a plan (approved by the Joints Chiefs of Staff) to create terrorist attacks within the United States and then blame them on Castro as a pretext to invade Cuba. I'd like to see more detail on this in a future book. [And with the Bush Presidency dependent on the threat of Terrorism, any plans by the military to attack American citizens is worth notice]. Body of Secrets is a MUST READ.