The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
By: Richard Feynman
Published: 1999
Reviewed: 3/16/2002

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a collection to short stories, papers, and talks of Richard P Feynman. A lot of the material has appeared elsewhere but there were several selections new to me. In particular a discussion on how much smaller, faster, and lower power we can make computing logic from a purely physics point of view. Bottom line: we are a long way from reaching any theoretical limits. For those not familiar with Feynman, he was a Theoretical Physicist who combined a dedication to the scientific method with a love for life. If you are looking for your first Feynman book, I would recommend Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman. After that you will want to find anything you can about such an amazing man.