Generation of Swine

Generation of Swine
By: Hunter S Thompson
Published: 1998
Reviewed: 3/11/2002

The "War on Terrorism" provides for some very interesting reading if you pick up anything written prior to 2001 about the Bush Family. Generation of Swine is a collection of articles and writings from the mid to late 1980's. Interesting to be reminded of the arms Oliver North was selling to Iran under orders from the Reagan/Bush administration. I guess if you are a Bush family member it is OK to illegally sell arms to Iran and then say they are a threat to American citizens. I mailed the following quote out to a few friends while still reading the book. It seems more on the mark today than when I read it last December.

...And he will bring his gang in with him, a mean network of lawyers and salesman and pimps who will loot the national treasury, warp the laws, mock the rules and stay awake 22 hours a day looking for at least one reason to declare war, officially, on some hapless tribe in the Sahara or heathen fanatic like the Ayatollah Khomeini.

- HST writing about George Bush Sr. in 1987

Most of the book is about politics, but there are still plenty of stories involving pirates, pornography, and pyrotechnics. Hunter manages to live the life you wish you had, at least before you think about it too much.