Everybody Smokes in Hell

Everybody Smokes in Hell
By: John Ridley
Published: 1999
Reviewed: 2/10/2002

Like all Public Radio listeners who hang on the words of commentators, I find myself buying their books as well. Everybody Smokes in Hell is the story of Paris Scott, an LA convenience clerk who stumbles into possession of the only copy of the last tape recorded by a famous rock musician. Paris has been living the life of a looser, and not without good reason. His stumbling efforts to profit from his "find" make up the storyline. The characters and scenes are very violent and not fit for the squeamish. One female hitman has a murder/sex fetish that makes James Bond's Russian Assassin Onatop seem puritanical. I enjoyed reading the book but I have to say it borders on being "pulp". I'm iffy on picking up another of Ridley's books.