The Art of Disney Tron Legacy

The Art of Disney Tron Legacy
By: Justin Springer
Published: 2010
Reviewed: 04/16/2017

I love the movie Tron Legacy.  If you want to know what colors, textures, and sounds “fly my kite”, watch that film.  I knew from the blu-ray extras that the director had assembled a lot of art in early development, so I was excited to discover Disney had assembled a book.  There are pictures and illustrations from both before and after the movie was made, but the majority are from pre-production, which was my desire.


The brief text outlines the process of creating a 2-minute “demo” video that was used to pitch the movie and was shown at San Diego ComiCon.  The positive reception by that audience gave Disney the confidence to green-light the movie.  [Thank you San Diego!]  The rest of the narrative discusses the choices made by the Legacy team.  Directory Joseph Kosinski took extra effort to make the world the original Tron team would have if they had had 2008 technology in 1982.


The book is only 159 pages but physically large, over a foot on a side.  I found the binding a little delicate, as I caused some damage when I lost the balance of the book and overextended the binding while catching it.  The book was $40 originally.  I have seen many eBay listings for $150, but just now saw one for the original cost.  So definitely shop around (mine was a gift).


“The Art of Disney Tron Legacy” is a must have for the hardcore Tron Legacy fan. I will place my copy in the art book section of my personal library, along with the impressionists and other painters.