Blood Sugar Solution

Blood Sugar Solution
By: Mark Hyman
Published: 2012
Reviewed: 03/02/2017

A friend of mine spent some time at the hospital because he thought he might be having a second heart attack. The only thing they found wrong was high blood sugar, so he picked up the “Blood Sugar Solution” and started following its most extreme dietary regimen. As he put it, “I walk into a grocery store now and can’t buy 90% of the items”. But since following it he says he feels a lot better. The book starts out talking about widespread blood sugar level issues in the American diet, and how medical treatment concentrates on lowering measured blood sugar levels instead of addressing the causes. Then the author discusses methods for reducing stress and creating supportive environments. (I actually skimmed those sections). The final third or so presents a menu schedule and recipes to match. While I have to rib the author for “Lemon Broccoli” (broccoli with some cut lemon on top), most of the recipes are legit. Lots of vegetables, nuts, and salmon. A few things bothered me. Dr Hyman uses the term “diabesity” as if its a real medical term. I was also bothered by his references to reducing “toxins” because everything is made from chemical elements and we can name any chemical compound. If you want to talk about risks from “bisphenol A”, I am game, I just I need specifics. Reminded me of the literature my wife would bring home when she worked at the Institute for Functional Medicine. Then I realized the author worked with IFM. I did start monitoring my blood sugar level several times a week instead of awaiting my next A1C test, which I know will be up from the last. Bread is my big killer. I’ve worked up to going days at a time with no bread at all. Seems like an epic struggle but its really only been a week since I last bought bread. I’d recommend the “Blood Sugar Solution” if you want to get serious about blood sugar from a dietary perspective.