The Future''s So Bright I Can''t Bear To Look

The Future''s So Bright I Can''t Bear To Look
By: Tom Tomorrow
Published: 2008
Reviewed: 2/14/2015

     I encountered Tom Tomorrow cartoons at and in Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting's "Extra" newsletter. This collection spans the years 2005-2008, namely Bush's second term. The strips are pure biting political commentary, and usually right on the money. In an example of his attention to detail, an early strip illustrates how the right wing tries to sow doubt about troubling issues, rather than getting to the truth. In this case a memo from an FBI agent saying he witnessed torture at Guantanamo Bay. One of the characters starts challenging whether the memo exists and ends with, "Did you examine the Kerning?" Typesetting people know that kerning relates to the horizontal spacing between characters, but the general populace has no idea. They are just going to wonder "what about this kerning thing?", rather than the fact the FBI agents story was verified. A perfect example of misdirection. I found I could only read so many pages at a time. It's hard to be reminded of how the Bush administration and Media lied to get us into the Iraq War which has since launched the creation of ISIS. Or strips about torture when we now know detainees were sodomized in the name of the Global War On Terrorism [via "rectal hydration"]. Or to read a panel about NSA spying and be reminded it was way worse than we thought. But if you want to read someone who called it correctly all along, check out Tom Tomorrow.