Code Names

Code Names
By: William Arkin
Published: 2005
Reviewed: 12/11/2015

Fully titled "Code Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs, and Operations in the 9/11 World", this would be another book I purchased because Conservatives went bat-shit crazy when it was released. Code Names is broken into three sections. First it describes nearly every country in the world, and what military operations we have conducted with each. Second it describes all kinds of code names and briefly what they involved. Third it has a list of military acronyms and what they mean. The book is more of a reference, best set on the same shelf as the dictionary. I personally only read the first section, constituting maybe one third of the book. The list of countries in which we have bases, store equipment, or supply equipment is staggering. You begin to realize why the U.S. military is so expensive. In that first section, the descriptions fall into the form of what we did before and after 9/11. The authors slant was that after 9/11 be began to ignore all kinds of human rights issues, as long as we could fly planes from a given country. I'm not sure the situation was quite that pervasive. But I was disturbed by how many countries were part of the Excess Equipment Program. After arming ISIS in Iraq with large caches of equipment designated for Iraqi forces, I am disturbed by the total volume of countries into which we pump weapons systems. In the code names section you can find entries like "Gardenia: US-UK NAIC exploitation of a foreign aerospace system, 1997". This hardly compromises US security, but Fox News is about generating anger and little else. So if I heard about a codename, I might refer to this book for more information, but the descriptions are pretty broad. Perhaps I should stop buying books just to annoy Conservatives. One interesting section was a description of Syria, circa 2005. At that time they were considered cooperating with the Global War On Terrorism. Nowadays, the government is considered evil and Christians want to exterminate the entire Syrian population.