Pugs: God's Little Weirdos

Pugs: God's Little Weirdos
By: Dave Kellett
Published: 2008
Reviewed: 08/21/2016

I met Dave Kellett at my first Emerald City Comicon.  He has a webcomic called “Sheldon” that I was unfamiliar with, but what caught my eye were two books on Pugs. ”Sheldon” includes a pug named Oso that was popular enough they printed two collections. The panels are full of true-pug experiences.  Barking at rocks, snoring louder than a grizzly, and letting go of room-clearing farts.  Oso barks all of the time but its written “Hype Hype Hype Hype” which I think is a more accurate depiction.


My pug Mia barks at the TV whenever dog appear, horses appear, or good lord: camels.  This I understand.  But also football players lined up before the snap.  The one I cannot figure out are Cialis commercials.  All of them.


Kellett’s book lets me know its not just my dog, but the entire breed that is slightly off its rocker.  An enjoyable book if you like dogs, phenomenally enjoyable if you have first-hand experience with Pugs.