Understanding Comics

Understanding Comics
By: Scott McCloud
Published: 1993
Reviewed: 08/20/2016

I learned of “Understanding Comics” during a Dork Forest podcast. Scott McCloud wrote a book about comics as an art form.  Except he wrote it AS A COMIC.  There are no paragraphs, just comic panels. It’s a serious work, bordering on an academic text, just one narrated by a guy wearing a superhero T-shirt. Scott talks about the history of comics, styles in different parts of the world, and the techniques used to convey the artist’s intent.


For example, he talks about different transition types between panels (moment, action, subject, scene, aspect, and my favorite: non-sequitur) with several examples of each.  Or how a single image  can represent a flow in time, not just a single point. And how different line styles can be used to evoke emotions.


He also delves into the process of becoming a comic author of varying levels of accomplishment.  Its almost like climbing a staircase learning one aspect, only to realize at the top there is an entirely new skill to be mastered.  Its not just the ability to create artwork, and develop a story, but you also need to understand composition.


You need to be into comics or at least cartoon, but the book is a surreal trip and worth your time.

And if you want to write comics, its a must-read.