Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day
By: David Sedaris
Published: 2000
Reviewed: 1/12/2013

"Me Talk Pretty One Day" is the fourth book from humorist David Sedaris. As with so many books of late, I read about 80% of it a few years ago, and just now finished the volume. David wrote this book after moving from New York City to rural France. I remember hearing an interview were he basically said he was loosing context living in a city where everyone was always talking about books. Or in other words, being a famous author wasn't helping with authoring. Also his long time parter is French, so it wasn't an arbitration choice. About a third of the stories take place in Europe, while the rest come from his life growing up in North Carolina and as a young adult in NYC. With so much time having gone by, I flipped through the earlier pages to refresh my memory. I am very fond of one story, The Great Leap Forward. It is about the time Sedaris worked for a furniture mover in NYC. One who was a hard worker and a sincere communist. To quote: "The communists I'd known in the past had always operated on the assumption that come the revolution, they'd be the ones lying around party headquarters with clipboards in their hands". This one sentenced summed up all of the pro-communists I've encountered, and provided excellent contrast for the gentlemen in question. There was one story near the end where he talked about various ideas for movie scripts. That piece fell flat with me. Or maybe there was a joke I didn't get. But the rest of the book is classic Sedaris. I just hope we don't smother him with our love.