Self-Inflicted Wounds

Self-Inflicted Wounds
By: Aisha Tyler
Published: 2013
Reviewed: 11/19/2013

I first learned about comedienne Aisha Tyler on Jackie Kashian's Dork Forest podcast where I discovered she was hot, smart, AND loved to play video games. Other than already married, the perfect woman. And after that I started watching the TV series "Archer" where she voices the only character that has her shit together. I purchased the book shortly after hearing Aisha promote it on Marc Maron's WTF podcast. Self-Inflicted wounds is a collection of humorous stories from throughout her life, almost all of which involve some misstep, dire consequences, and moving on. She was raised to run headlong into walls, dust herself off, and continue unabated. My only criticism is that she uses a lot of footnotes, a seeming trend in books written by standups. Either the material is good enough to be in the main text or "tighten it up folks". I give the book a thumbs up, especially if you want to think someone else had a more embarrassing youth than yourself.